When women are pregnant, they should be more careful in everyday life. It is intended to prevent miscarriage. The doctors always advise pregnant women to form healthy habits. Although ifthey already exercise and adequate rest, healthy diet is also very important in improving the health of pregnant women.
Therefore, pregnant women should always keep a healthy diet and eat foods that are beneficial to improve the health of the body and the baby. Foods that are beneficial for pregnant women mainly include fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products.
1. Vegetables and fruits
Absorption of high fiber can improve digestion and prevent constipation during defecation. Need to always eat fruits that contain lots of vitamin C. As is known, vitamin C plays an important role in improving the immune system in the human body. When pregnant, women should be able to continuously improve their immune in order to keep the fetus healthy. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to eat cabbage, broccoli, apples, oranges and other fruits.
2. Meat is rich in iron and protein
According to doctors, pregnant women must complete the 27 milligrams of iron each day. In addition to meat, other foods, such as animal liver and soybeans, also contain abundant iron. However, that must be considered here is the meat and liver should be thoroughly cooked to kill bacteria and viruses.
3. minerals calcium
Women need adequate calcium to improve bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Many pregnant women bothered by a bone problem. For example, the structure of the bone will become brittle, causing a fracture (broken bone).
4. folic acid
Foods that contain folic acid is also beneficial to health of pregnant women. Folic acid may prevent anemia not only for women, but also accelerate the development of the nervous system to the fetus. According to medical research, contained abundant folic acid in vegetarian and animal foods. Pregnant women can eat green vegetables and liver of animals for folicacid supplements.
'Foods that have been mentioned above proved to provide many important nutrients for pregnant women and very helpful in supporting physical activity the mother and fetus. In addition to dietary factors, it is no less important is that they also have to stop bad habits, like drinking alcohol and smoking, to provide full protection to the fetus.
Source: yourmodernliving