Almost in many countries, slim body is still one of sizes of female beauty. Even so, you should think a thousand times before doing a diet that is too harsh because of the health and chances of getting pregnant would be at stake.
While those who suffer from anorexia usually body mass index less than 17.5, but still refused to eat and tend to exercise excessively.
He explained that part of the hypothalamus in the brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland that regulates the menstrual cycle to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. However, when a woman loses weight to the extreme, the process stops.
Some time ago, Chantelle Houghton, who created the reality show Celebrity Big Brother, admitted that at the age of 27 years he has been convicted can not have children by doctors because of his habit on a strict diet.
"Because of an obsession with food and a strict diet when I suffered from bulimia, I lost the opportunity to have a baby naturally," he said in a magazine interview.
According to one study, an estimated 1.6 million people in Britain suffer from eating disorders, especially bulimia is. During his life,Princess Diana is one of the bulimics
According to one study, an estimated 1.6 million people in Britain suffer from eating disorders, especially bulimia is. During his life,Princess Diana is one of the bulimics
Those who suffer from bulimia usually can not resist his appetites, but it is always issued back to the food they consume, either through laxatives or vomiting. People who do not always look skinny bulimia.
While those who suffer from anorexia usually body mass index less than 17.5, but still refused to eat and tend to exercise excessively.
"Danger symbol of fertility disorders in women who are on a strict diet is when menstruation stops," said Dr Marie Wren, Deputy Medical Director of Lister Fertility Clinic in London, such as the Daily Mail quoted.
He explained that part of the hypothalamus in the brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland that regulates the menstrual cycle to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. However, when a woman loses weight to the extreme, the process stops.
"This is the way the body maintain existing resources. If a woman is menstruating, her body will lose iron, whereas only a few inputs.Therefore, the body defend it by stopping your period," he explained.
Apart from eating disorders, yo-yo dieting can also lead to menstrual disorders. "If weight loss is easy up and down, the body will think it is stress causing changes in the mechanism of ovulation," said Amanda Tozer, consultant reproduction.
Apart from eating disorders, yo-yo dieting can also lead to menstrual disorders. "If weight loss is easy up and down, the body will think it is stress causing changes in the mechanism of ovulation," said Amanda Tozer, consultant reproduction.
When the weight is reduced by only a few pounds, the body will be fine. But if extreme changes, either rising or falling, menstrual disorders can occur.
Diets that are too tight will also make the body lacks the nutrients that the body can not function normally and this affects the reproductive function.
Diets that are too tight will also make the body lacks the nutrients that the body can not function normally and this affects the reproductive function.
Unfortunately, according to Wren, the effects can be long-term impact. About 20 percent of women who are too thin to say, their menstrual cycles do not return to normal, even when their weight was ideal.
"There are some anorexic patients I work with who is now her weight is normal, but the system in the hypothalamus in the brain is not working again," said Wren. For that, the doctor will usually try to provoke ovulation with medication.
"There are some anorexic patients I work with who is now her weight is normal, but the system in the hypothalamus in the brain is not working again," said Wren. For that, the doctor will usually try to provoke ovulation with medication.
He adds, not just skinny woman who disturbed fertility, but men also."Men who are too skinny are usually poor sperm quality because it lacks nutrition," he said.
Although no recommended dietary excess, obesity was also a problem for the pregnancy because excess fat can also affect hormone balance.
Although no recommended dietary excess, obesity was also a problem for the pregnancy because excess fat can also affect hormone balance.
According to Tozer, their body mass index over 30, chances of getting pregnant as an underweight person. "Women who are obese tend to suffer from polyscystic ovary syndrome (POS) which affects the difficulty conceiving," he said.
Source: Daily Mail