The biggest problem which is owned by the healthy food is a rare person like him. No exception to our stomachs. Research shows the stomach sends a signal "not satisfied" after we eat healthy foods.
In contrast, after food is often considered to be less healthy, our nerves send signals satiety and satisfaction.
Thus the results of research conducted by Alia Crum and his team from Yale University.
In his research, Crum recruited 46 participants who were told they were tested to determine the body's response to two drinks a milkshake that is designed with variations in nutritional content.
When in fact, these drinks contain the same, but the drinks are high in fat are described and contain 620 calories. These drinks are labeled "good" and promoted
"good to drink". Meanwhile, drink another one described low-fat with 140 calories. The label stated "give satisfaction without guilt".
The participants were asked to feel his milkshake in the two weeks separately so they can tell the difference. In fact, every milkshake contains 380 calories.
Then, the researchers took blood samples to determine the level of participants' ghrelin, a hormone that increases when we feel hungry and when satiety level decreases. Apparently, stable ghrelin levels when participants consumed a drink that is labeled healthy. This means their bodies do not send signals of satisfaction or fullness after drinking the milkshake.
The experts concluded that, when we believe have been eating foods that are low in calories, the body will send signals that we are less satisfied and still hungry.
Source: TIME
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