Do you often experience stomach feels heavy, frequent belching, bloating, or feel the heat? Such circumstances is often associated with digestive disorders, and when the attack makes you uncomfortable and interfere with the activity.
Indigestion is often associated with unhealthy eating habits and stress levels resulting in the secretion of stomach fluids uncertain. When this situation came up, you do not need to rush to the drug store to buy antacid to cope.
It is better you try some of these natural recipes. Ten following recipe can alleviate digestive complaints on you.
If you are looking for prevention, drinking warm lemon water before meals is the best thing. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drink before meals. As you know, warm lemon water to prevent indigestion caused by acid. Lemon juice help heal digestive disorders as it can fight bacteria.
Garlic and soy
Whenever feel stomach discomfort, take soybean oil and garlic and gently massage your abdomen. Let the oil seep through the skin. It also gives instant relief from the disorder indigestion.
Take a tablespoon of soda and then mix in a glass of water you drink. Soda will help reduce stomach pain and indigestion.
Combine some cumin seeds and coriander into a glass of water. Then add a little salt into the juice. You can also try mixing 2 teaspoons coriander, 1 teaspoon ginger, cardamom, and a glass of water.
Lemon and ginger
This is the most simple recipe and the ingredients available in your home. All you need is two tablespoons of lemon juice, ginger, and honey and then mixed with a glass of warm water. Drink this mixture after meals.
If you think the recipe above is difficult, try to eat them after meals. Experts say that eating oranges can give rest to the digestive organs and can provide adequate nutrition.
Who could have suspected a link between grapes and digestive health? It is a delicious fruit wines that are known to relieve indigestion and stomach irritation.
Ice cube
Doctors recommend putting an ice pack on your stomach is in trouble for half an hour after eating to reduce the pain. You could even try to bathe with warm water at night to reduce discomfort in the abdomen.
Regular drinks
The habit of drinking buttermilk after a meal is one way to prevent intestinal disorders because it can help the body digest food more quickly. Tea of mint, and blackberries are also effective for preventing digestive complaints due to reduced stomach problems.
Source: health.kompas.comas
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