It may sound strange, sugar is better known as the giver of sweetness in the food turned out to be one of the drugs in your kitchen to treat wounds. This practice has been used since 1700 BC by the doctors in Egypt.
The function of sugar in the cure is quite a lot. Naturally sugar has antibacterial and inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Sugar also absorbs moisture and reduces swelling which is common in tissue injury. Sugar is also known to stimulate tissue to regenerate.
In Argentina the scientists from the University of Buenos Aires gave120 patients infected wounds with sugar granules and found 99 percent of cases of bacterial infection healed within 9 days to 17weeks.
The doctors at the Delta Medical Center in Greenvile, America also reported the same success in the study for 5 years involving 605 patients suffering from burns, ulcers, or scars.
Doctor of Greenvile said therapy is a combination of sugar andiodine-povidine, mild anti-infective agents, gave the better results than the various drugs other injuries.
They found the patient's wound heal faster than with standard therapy. Scarring caused very little. In addition the use of antibioticsis also reduced.
One thing that must be considered in using sugar as a "cure" is to make sure the wound bleeding has stopped completely for 24 hours before you apply the sugar.