10 servings of fruit every day is safe to eat apples, pears, citrus, guava, grape, watermelon, melon, papaya, passion fruit, and tomatoes. You can eat 10 servings of fruits, different kinds and colors, every day, by eating whole fruit, crushed (blend), or created juice.
So as not to get bored, you can combine the four options were the fruit of the daily menu. The four pieces that have the benefit of the coveted many women, such as burning fat, smooth the skin, prevent aging, and calming effect. Discipline eat fruit every day can also prevent premature aging.
Guava efficacious as an antioxidant. Compounds in guava can neutralize toxins from pollution and cigarette smoke so as not to damage the cells and prevent aging and disease.
One kiwi fruit provides about 95 percent intake of vitamin C adequacy rate every day, and vitamin E. The content of this vitamin can increase collagen to smooth the skin. Besides strengthening the connective tissue, also moisturizes the skin surface so skin looks smooth and bright.
Coconut able to lose weight. Coconut oil contains special fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCT), which increase the energy so it can stabilize blood sugar, remove the fat from the liver, and increase fat burning metabolism by 50 percent.
Passion Fruit
Passion fruit make sleep more soundly because it contains calming B vitamins. It also contains potassium which makes relaxing the nervous system.