Broccoli, Steamed Best

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The content of beta-carotene, lutein and flavanol very high. The three nutrients in broccoli has the potential to fight cancer. The content of calcium in broccoli is also believed to experts more readily absorbed than those from milk.
Why should steamed broccoli? Steamed broccoli contain more carotenoids than the raw. It is derived from recent research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryAnother plus, the content of vitamin C in broccoli could not be reduced by more than 30%, despite having steamed. So is the substance kaempferol, a type of flavonoid that are important to repair body cells.

What we need to remember also is the storage of broccoli after cooking. Like spinach, this vegetable should not be stored too long, given the high nitrat content. This substance can be transformed into nitrite, which when mixed with amino acids in the body will give nitrosamines.

"Nitrosamines are carcinogenic or cancer-triggering. So, cook broccoli in sufficient quantities, according to which will be consumed. Avoid serving broccoli for lunch so the rest of dinner menu," said Yusnalaini Y. Mukawi, MSc, a nutritionist from RS.Gatot Subroto , Jakarta.

To maximize the nutritional content of broccoli, you should wash and cut broccoli just before steaming. This advice from Ellie Krieger RD, author of So Easy and Healthy Appetite host of Food Network. The goal is that broccoli does not rot quickly after being washed and cut.