Ear pain can be caused by colds, infections, or because of water into the ear. Drugs that house will help relieve ear pain within a few hours. Please try one of the following ways. Perhaps there is right for you.
1. Hydrogen peroxide
Can be bought at the pharmacy. Ask the pharmacist, the dose that is safe for you and also the type of hydrogen peroxide that is destined for treating earache. A few drops will relieve pain.2. Onion juice
According to the site Yukozimo, mango juice can be used to relieve earache. Unfortunately, no dosage stated. Mango juice could be used not as thick as type of beverage. Two or three drops is enough to treat the ears.
4. Squirt water
6. Vitamin C
Intruding water when bathing will usually cause ear clogged and if left unchecked will cause pain. Put the water back into the ear, leave for a few seconds with his head tilted so that water remains in the ear. After the ears were warm, remove the water by tilting the head in the opposite direction. Usually this means effective to remove the blockage of water.
5. Compress
Compress a warm damp cloth can also be used. It seems simple, but it compresses circulation so that it will relieve pressure around the pain.
Cloth to compress can also be soaked in a bowl of warm salt water. Salt can relieve inflammation caused by ear pain.
If the ear pain caused by infection, one dose of vitamin C can eliminate the infection and increase immunity.
Hopefully one way over there to suit your ear pain.