Want healthy? You do not need to drain the pocket. Simply with a healthy grocery list you will be healthy.
Why wasteful, if want to be healthy?
Dried black beans
Meet the needs of fiber and enjoy the feeling of full longer by eating black beans. Choose dried black beans, rather than that in the cans. Not only save costs, but also prevent excess intake of sodium.
Nutrition info: in 48.5 grams of dried black beans contains 15 grams of fiber.
Dry Corn Seeds
Create high-fiber snack by adding popcorn with a little olive oil. "Make yourself at home, be sure the popcorn that we eat must be healthy," said Jason Machowsky, RD, CSCS, personal trainer of Equinox in New York City.
Nutrition info: in 44 grams of dry corn seed containing 5 grams of fiber.
Strengthen muscles by eating eggs. "Egg white is pure protein," says Gerbstadt. Almost 100% of egg protein is used by our bodies. According to a recent study from the USDA, eggs contain14% less cholesterol, and vitamin D 64% more than in 2002.
Nutrition info: one egg contains 6 grams of protein.
Cans tuna packed in water
Dutch researchers found the high-protein dieters can erode the weight and fat belly 2 times more, than the perpetrators of low-protein diet. Not only that, tuna is also rich in vitamin B6 which serves to control the worry and the immune system. Plus, vitamin B12 can maintain balance and make us more relaxed
Nutrition info: 1 can contains 36 grams of protein.
Fat-free milk
Be sides helping to form strong bones and teeth, calcium also can lose weight. Choose fat-free milk, because this product is high in calcium and low in calories. Besides proteins, the white paper also has a leucine, an amino acid that is in charge of muscle repair.
Nutrition info: in 2 liters of milk we can meet 30% of our daily calcium requirement.
Yogurt without flavor (plain yogurt)
Launched our metabolism system by eating yogurt. Studies show that calcium from dairy products can reduce fat absorption from other foods. Another bonus, the good bacteria in yogurt helps the digestive system to function properly.
Nutrition info: in 11 tablespoons of yogurt without a sense, we areable to meet 34% of daily calcium requirement.
Without the need to drain the wallet, we can get 600 mg of potassium, nutrients that maintain blood pressure. "To be very important to obtain an adequate intake of potassium, due to helpus balance our diet of high sodium," says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD. author of The Flexitarian Diet. Potato with skin contains 2grams of fiber and can meet 45% of our daily requirement of vitamin C.
Nutrition info: 1 piece of potato was able to meet 18% of daily potassium requirement.