Select Organic Materials

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One of the healthy living trend that a lot of interest is the use of organic food. Before buying, it's good to consider suggestions from the Mayo Clinic below.

1. Watch food labels.
One hundred percent organic means the product completely organic or made from organic ingredients. Called organic if at least 95 percent organic products. Made with organic matter suggests that at least 70 percent organic products. Products that contain less than 70 percent organic ingredients can not be called organic.

2. Read food labels carefully.
Just because the products contain organic or organic material, does not mean a healthier alternative. Some organic products remained high in sugar, salt, fat, calories.

3. Do not be confused select natural and organic foods.
Organic foods are usually organic label. Because it is still consider abortion.

4. Wash all fruits and vegetables 
with running water to clean dirt and reduces bacteria. Use a small brush, such as washing the apples, potatoes, cucumbers, and other products for cleaner when consumed

5. The quality of organic products are no different from ordinary food.
The only difference is in how food is produced, processed, and handled. You may find that organic fruits and vegetables easily damaged because it is not treated with preservatives or wax. For matters of appearance, organic products are not too perfect.

6. Some people buy organic products in order to limit exposure to residues of pesticides used on conventional farms. Organic farming practices are designed to benefit the environment by reducing pollution and conserving water and soil.